How to organize your wardrobe neatly ?

It can be all too easy for your wardrobe to become full and overflowing with clothes, shoes and accessories. A messy wardrobe will make it difficult for you to find what you want to wear. A neat and tidy wardrobe will not only look beautiful, but it will allow you to select the perfect outfit within a matter of minutes. This article provides some top tips on how to organize your wardrobe.

The first step that you need to take is to sort through all of your clothes, shoes and accessories and get rid of items that you no longer want. We often store so many clothes in our wardrobe that we haven't worn for years. You can make several piles of clothes to make things easier for yourself. Separate any items that you want to give away to a charity shop or thrift store, you can also make another pile of clothes that you want to sell on auction sites such as eBay. 

A good tip is that you should aim to get rid of any items of clothing that you have not worn for over a year. If you are still unsure of giving them away you can pack them into a box and put them into storage, and if you still haven't worn them in a year then you should really consider selling them or giving them to charity. Make sure that all of your clothes are removed from your wardrobe.

Now you can give your wardrobe a good clean. Wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any dust and dirt. You should also give the corners and ceilings a good dust with a feather duster to remove any cobwebs.

Now you can plan the layout of your wardrobe. You can make a rough sketch of your wardrobe on paper. You can then use this sketch to draw in different sections and storage accessories into your wardrobe.

You are then ready to purchase some additional accessories in order to organize your wardrobe. You can start by purchasing hangers that are all the same size and colour as this will make your wardrobe look more neat and organized. You can purchase a wall hanging organizer which you can place on the inside of your wardrobe door. 

This organizer can be used to store accessories such as jewellery or hair clips. You can also purchase storage boxes to keep shoes in at the bottom of your wardrobe. The type of storage accessories that you purchase should depend on the size of your wardrobe and how many clothes that you currently own.

Once you have your new accessories you are ready to start putting your clothes back into your wardrobe. Many people like to organize their clothes in colour order. You can also section off your clothing in order of their types; for example you can place all of your trousers in one section, all of your jumpers in one section, all your T-shirts in another section, and so on- Michal N Cummins

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