Simple Cleaning Tips for the Bathroom

Your home's bathroom is probably the last place you want to clean, but it is a job that needs to be done nonetheless. From the toilet to the sink to the bathtub, there is no shortage of work to be performed. To ensure you get all the muck and grime while staying clean and sanitary during the process, having the proper gear and knowing how to clean this room is important. Believe it or not, but there is a routine most professional cleaning companies use that helps them tackle even the toughest of spaces.

Knowing these tips and using them correctly will guarantee that your bathroom will sparkle and shine. For instance, always leave the floors for last. Many homeowners often get distracted by the dirt and debris on the ground that they instantly break out the mop. Doing this is counterproductive, however, due to the fact that you are going to dust the vents and fan sooner or later. Cleaning these devices first will prevent you from having to go to the floor twice, which will save you time and money. Here are some other helpful pointers for getting your bathroom in top notch shape!

How to properly clean your bathroom

· Take out the trash first; do a quick sweep of the floor to gather up any large debris, and then place everything in a garbage bag. This is also the perfect time to go through the medicine cabinet and toss out empty bottles and containers. Remember, this is just the prep phase, so don't spend a lot of time trying to make everything look perfect.

· Grab your duster or vacuum; the latter is typically recommended, as it allows you to capture dirt and dust in hard to reach spaces (cracks and crevices) and it also keeps the debris from spreading. Start from the ceiling and work your way down, making sure to clean the exhaust vent and/or fan blades thoroughly. Many people often skip this step out of haste but don't be lazy as dust can easily accumulate in these places.

· Completely remove the items in your shower/bathtub and sink and place them in a box. You don't want to apply cleaning chemicals anywhere near your toothbrush or body wash. Proceed by soaking the tub and shower stall with a cleaning agent; while the product is soaking, you can clean the mirrors and spend a few minutes reorganising the medicine cabinet if need be.

· Scrub the tub clean and let the hot water run for at least five minutes to ensure everything gets washed down the drain. Put all your items back and then move onto the toilet. Make sure to clean the handle as well as the exterior of the bowl before finishing.

· Mop the floors last and turn on a fan to speed up the drying process. After everything is complete, light a candle and you will be good to go!

The tips mentioned above are more than enough to get you a sparkling clean bathroom and sure to give it a professional house cleaning touch!

Ronna Kaleah views the world from her perspective and pens down what she thinks to need a second thought, not to mention what needs to be tracked for the daily references too By Ronna Kaleah

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