Believe !! It is possible to Grow Tomatoes During the Winter Season

Most people would never think about growing tomatoes in the winter. They think that tomato season is solely a summertime or even fall time activity. Fortunately, tomato lovers do not have to keep their gardening to the spring and summer months. They can also grow tomatoes in the winter.

About Winter Tomato Plan Growing

You can grow tomatoes indoors during the winter. While you may need to pay more attention to them than you would with summer ones, you'll be appreciative of your fresh tomato harvest during the cold months. Some of the extra care factors you'll need to keep in mind are:


Tomato seeds take about 10 weeks to germinate. To have tomatoes during January and February, it's best to plant them by the end of October. Since you'll be planting indoors, you don't have to worry much about frost.

Steps to Growing Tomato Plants Indoors

    Step #1: You will need peat moss, vermiculite and coarse sand to plant your seeds. Mix these ingredients and place them into a large plant pot. About five gallons works well for tomato container planting.

    Step #2: It's important to fertilize your soil. You will need equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. You don't need a lot of it. Just sprinkle a couple of tablespoons in your pot.

    Step #3: Take one seed and place it in the middle of your pot. Push it down about an inch and cover it with just a little bit of soil. It only needs about a quarter of an inch of soil on top.

    Step #4: You will need to pour enough water into the pot until it runs from the bottom.

    Step #5: Place a cage in your pot. Make sure it is centered.

    Step #6: Place the pot in front of a window. South facing works best because it will receive the most sunshine during the day.

    Step #7: Water your plant enough, so the soil doesn't get dry. Don't over water though because that will cause harm too. Once the seeds germinate, you can water the plant once a week.

    Step #8: When the plant starts to grow high enough, tie the branches to the cage with a piece of cheesecloth or other soft string. This will keep it from breaking.

    Step #9: Once the tomato plant starts to produce fruit, make sure to fertilize with a water soluble fertilizer every two weeks. This will keep your plant producing fruit.

If you've never grown tomato plants in the winter, give it a try this year. You may surprise yourself. Before you know it, you'll have fresh, flavorful tomatoes for all of your winter dishes - Noelle Renee Allen 

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