Great Tips To Effectively Clean Your Refrigerator

Yes, I know it can be a big chore. If you are like me, then you will think of many reasons why you can put off the dreaded task of cleaning your refrigerator. However, boring as it can be, it is a vital and necessary task, as bacteria and germs breed like crazy in dirty environments, and the refrigerator is no exception if you don't keep it clean. With that in mind I have written out some good and effective tips to help make the task a little easier.

First, turn off the fridge.

Obviously, cleaning is easier if food stocks are low, so clear everything out and pay attention to perishable foods, put them in a cool bag if possible.

Wash in warm soapy water, use washing-up liquid but try and avoid strong fragrances. Rinse off well and let it dry out. I actually use bicarbonate of has no odor and is very effective.

Wash all the interior sides, top and bottom as well as the door panel.

Use a damp cloth or toothbrush to wipe or gently brush the door seals, being extra careful not to damage them. Strong smelling foods can be sealed to prevent any unpleasant smells.

Finally, every few months, pull out the refrigerator and wipe down the sides that you don't normally see. Vacuum the condenser coil on the back with the soft brush attachment of your vacuum cleaner. Removal of this dust will enable the coils to function more efficiently. Oh, and remember to clean the floor underneath while you are there.

Following these simple and easy tips, your refrigerator cleaning task will be less painful and more effective-

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