Advantages of Artificial Christmas Trees

Huge Shockaroo!! I walk into Libby's house, am magnetically drawn to the Christmas tree, stroke it's lovely branches and start to realize... it's artificial... it's an artificial Christmas tree!

Yea, Libby, the organic gardener, the Whole Foods shopper, the handmade flower soap in the bathroom Libby; an artificial Christmas tree? Huge shockaroo.

It's a tall, stately, full, absolutely lovely, gorgeous tree that reaches almost to the ceiling leaving just enough room for the star on top. I'm speechless.

Libby is one of the growing number of fans of artificial Christmas trees. Evolving out of the dyed bottle brush look, to the gorgeous royal varieties in the market today, these beautiful and often cute trees have gained popularity and acceptance for many reasons. Convenience is the most obvious. Fire safety, budget concerns, and cleanliness are also reasons people give for no longer feeling guilty about buying artificial.

Convenience is pinnacle. Feeling like we're on the edge of just functioning, we're proud of our ability to work, attend the kids' sports events, serve healthy meals, keep a nice home, participate in school and community events, and even volunteer a bit now and then. Then (drumroll here), Christmas comes along. 

The anxiety, stress, and feelings of being completely overwhelmed around Christmas time are well documented. Mitigating the time commitment aspect of Christmas by going with artificial Christmas trees simply makes sense.

We can buy at the store (well ahead of time or last minute) in a box that fits in the car (no tying to the roof and dragging into the house), or order online and have the trees delivered to the door. Then there's ease of set up and take down, no watering, no messy needles to continuously clean up, and no worry about guests with allergies.

Because artificial trees are used year after year, sale statistics, which show artificial Christmas tree purchases at slightly less than half that of real trees (1), do not truly reflect the actual use of the trees. An ABC News/Washington Post poll in 2004 stated that 58% of Americans who put up a Christmas tree, say they use an artificial Christmas tree rather than a real one. (2)

I would LOVE to have a tree stretching to the ceiling. I haven't had a big tree since I lived next door to the guy with a pick-up. And pre lit? A busy woman's dream come true. No watering, no messy needles on the floor, no sleepless nights worrying about a forest fire in my living room. Count me in. This year, I'm going artificial - Rikki Lee

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