3 Easy Methods To Help You Clean Mini Blinds

Mini blinds are dust and grime magnets. They can also be frustrating to clean if you aren't sure where to begin. In this article, we will give you 3 different methods for cleaning mini blinds.

Method 1: Just dust. If your blinds just need dusting, you can easily clean them using the brush attachment on your vacuum hose. First lock the blinds in the up position, and vacuum along the length of the slats, working from the top of the blinds, to the bottom. Then, switch the blinds to the down position and repeat the same process again. The more often you dust your blinds, the less often you will need to wash them, which brings us to our next method.

Method 2: Toss them in the tub. To wash sticky grime off your mini blinds, you can wash them in the bathtub. Just fill the bathtub halfway with warm water and add a few squirts of dish soap. If the blinds are really dirty, you can add a little degreaser to the mix as well. Remove the blinds from the wall. They may be the kind that snap in and out of place, or you may have to remove a couple of screws. Then place the dirty blinds in the tub. The warm soapy water should cover them completely. Let them soak 10 to 15 minutes to loosen the grime, then you can clean each slat by hand right there in the tub, either by using cotton gloves or washcloths. Once you've given them a good wipe down, you should drain the water from the tub and rinse the blinds with clean water. You will need to hang them somewhere other than the wall to dry, or you can simply lay them out on some towels on the floor and they can dry there.

Method 3: Head outdoors. If the weather is nice, you might prefer to wash your blinds outside. Find a place to hang them up. The clothesline would be ideal, but a fence or a porch banister work nicely too. Have a bucket of warm, soapy water on hand, and again you can use cotton gloves or washcloths and wipe each side of the slat. A garden hose makes washing your blinds a piece of cake, but please don't tempted to power wash your blinds. We've seen the videos too, but more often than not, you will end up with bent or broken slats. Once you've rinsed, you can leave your blinds outside to dry in the sunshine before hanging them back in place-

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