How to Avoid the 10 Most Common Decorating Mistakes

Decorating new or redecorating your own home can and should always end up in being fun, but a lot of people just make the mistake of decorating without measuring and planning ahead. Home decorating should be an enjoyable way of reflecting your very own personality.

Here are 10 common decorating mistakes people make, and a few fundamental tips you should consider, when you plan on decorating the interior of your home.

#1 - Trying to copy a picture from a magazine

One significant mistake many people make, is trying to make the room or space in the home look like the cover page of a magazine. Don't even try, because this is the wrong way to go. It sure is nice to find some inspirations, but you need to see, these examples are rooms or spaces and are primarily designed just for the pictures. They are lots of times simply over done. So please don't try to copy a picture from a magazine. You will find yourself very disappointed if you decide to go this way. Remember, you want to enjoy your time while decorating and have lots of fun. You don't want end up in getting all confused in a decorating disaster and maybe lots of money spent.

#2 - A room without a "focal point"

It is important for you to know, each room will need a "focal point". However, in example a fireplace or simply a big window can be used as the room's "focal point". In the case of the room doesn't have it's own "focal point", then it will be up to you to create one. This could be something as simple as a nice centerpiece or maybe even a decorative wall mirror, and you get started from there.

#3 - Wrong choice of colors

Once you have found or designed the "focal point" of the room, the first thing to consider is the walls. The color of how your walls are painted or the color of the wallpaper is crucial. The colors that you will use to decorate the room with, will have to accent your walls. It's really important to know that dark walls can really make the room appear much smaller than it actually is in size. On the other hand, lighter color schemes will help to make the room seem bigger. This also counts for the choice of furniture colors.

#4 - A cluttered room

Another rule is, not to clutter a room. When you are buying home decor and home accents for that new room design, it is better to buy a few bigger pieces than a bunch of smaller pieces. You want to make the room seem cozy and welcoming, not like someone just walked into a store. A few smaller pieces in between will be fine.

#5 - Too much furniture

I have seen many homes or rooms where furniture was lined up from wall to wall. There was hardly no wall space left. This makes the room in your home seem like it is closing in on you. I'm sure you don't want feel like caught in your own rooms! So what I suggest in a situation like this, just take away a few pieces, and you will feel the difference. Many people are pleased and happy with the room again once there is a bit more open space. So if possible, don't cramp the room with lots of furnishings. Allow some open space.

#6 - The wrong height to hang pictures and mirrors

Another decorating problem some people seem to have, is not being sure how high to hang pictures and photographs or wall art and mirrors. Wall art, decorative wall mirrors and pictures should be hung about eye level. Remember, yourself and your family and friends want to enjoy the wall decorations. Mirrors are not only made for you to check your appearance but also to help make a room seem bigger. They should always be hung in eye level as well and in darker rooms opposite to a window.

#7 - Not enough or too much lighting

Interior lighting is just as important. Some people, when they decorate, don't add enough lighting. But the right lighting is very important how a room feels. You can buy and install dimmer switches, which in my opinion are real nice to have. In this way you can easily control how bright your lights wil be for your best comfort. You don't want a really bright, bright room that actually even makes you feel uncomfortable. Look at the dimension of your room, and decide from there what type of lighting you will want. A couple of lamps won't be enough in a really big room, to always make sure you have an adequate amount of lighting for reading, sewing or any other activities you would like to enjoy in that particular room.

#8 - Too many different wood tones

Wood tones are worth another thought while interior decorating. Choosing the right wood tones can make all the difference in a home, so make sure you will think about this whenever you enhance your home. This includes wooden floors, furnishings, cabinets, and sometimes even the base boards. My rule of thumb is, don't opt for more than 3 different wood tone's within one particular room. If the room is small, then decide for no more than 2 wood tone's.

#9 - A room without life

Also don't forget, you wish to bring some life in your home. House plants and flowers are your way to accomplish this. We all know, you simply can't go out and spend money on new fresh flowers every few days, so even the artificial flower arrangements and plants can accomplish the same goal. Nowadays they make flowers and plants look so real anymore, that I sometimes have to feel them to make sure. Just changing the a floral arrangements and greenery each season, will make all the difference in a room.

#10 - The same ol' room all year long

Now after the decorating will be done, every now and then refresh the room. I'm not talking about any major redecorating jobs, but from time to time take something down and replace it with something different or even new. This can easily be done with any kind of home decor like artwork, accent pillows, throw rugs, sculptures, vases or just anything that you just want for that new look appearance. You might not believe how just a few simple changes and new arrangements can make people think you have been all busy decorating again.

I hope I could provide you with some ideas for you to get started. You can do it! Do not make any hasty decisions because you might become impatient. This is something you for sure will regret later on after the decorating is done. It doesn't matter if you decorate the entire home or just a single room in your home, always make sure to take your time and don't try to rush things.

Decorating is actually easy, fun and enjoyable to do. And never forget, there are only a very few interior decorating mistakes that can't be changed easily. Just use a little of your imagination, plan ahead, measure, and take your time. Once the decorating job is done, you can sit back, relax and enjoy your newly decorated room and you will know, you did it all by yourself. Wouldn't that be a good reason to be proud of yourself? Paula Jo from Clean Star

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