How to Clean and Protect Carpets? - DIY Tips

There a three primary remedies for treating spots and spills on rugs and carpets. Depending on the type of spill, the age of the carpet, and how long the stain has had time to set, stains will remove differently and require different cleaning methods. Continue reading to learn all three carpet cleaning remedies, and what types of spills require which method.

General Carpet Care

When dealing with carpets and rugs, preventative maintenance is the secret to prolonged life and luster. Carpet protection is vital in order to maintain long-lasting beautiful rugs and carpeting. Applying a carpet or rug seal-coat protector is a great place to start. These solutions add a layer of protection against daily dirt, dust, and debris. Also, having your carpets and rugs cleaned on a quarterly or annual basis, depending on the amount of foot traffic they see, to keep them in their best condition for years to come.

As for accidents, stains, spots, and spills, the three remedies are what you'll need to know. Alongside these remedies, always remember to treat spills and stains immediately, because the more time they have to set, the less likely you will be able to remove them. Always use a blotting motion, and never ruin or wipe clean a spill or stain. And always use a clean terry cloth towel or rag to do the blotting. Many people want to pour water on a stain, but it is not a good idea to over-wet. Simply blot all excess liquid, then refer to one of the following remedies:

First Remedy - Use a dry-cleaning solvent, like Carbona(R), and be sure to follow all manufacturers' instructions. Apply the product to the affected area with a clean dry cloth. Next, use a clean dry terry cloth or towel to blot away the excess liquid. Do this until all liquid is absorbed. Repeat if necessary. Allow carpet to dry completely in well-lit and ventilated area.

Second Remedy - Use a standard laundry detergent mixed with water using the ratio 30 parts water to one part detergent. Apply this to the affected area with a clean dry cloth. Use a separate clean dry cloth to absorb up all excess liquid. Use ample pressure when blotting. Repeat if necessary. Allow area to dry completely.

Third Remedy - Make a homemade carpet cleaning solution using rubbing alcohol and distilled white vinegar. Use the ratio one part vinegar to nine parts ethyl alcohol. You may use isopropyl alcohol instead of ethyl rubbing alcohol. Apply this to the affected area with a clean dry cloth. Use a separate clean dry cloth to absorb up all excess liquid. Use plenty of pressure when blotting. Repeat steps if necessary. Allow carpet to dry completely. Sarahbeth Kluzinski

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