What did Your Curtains Say About You? - Curtain Decorating Tips

Windows are something we stare through every single day without paying too much attention to them. Are they simply just for those lazy days when you want to feel like you're outside but are really more interested in laying on your sofa and staring out the window from the comfort and warmth of your home? Windows should really be given a lot more attention when you're decorating though. Not only are they a portal out onto the world but they also give the world outside a chance to look in at you. What do you want your windows to say to the outside world.

Here are some hints and tips for curtain styles and what they say about you to the world around you.

Who could ever forget those ruffled kitchen windows we grew up with? School mornings would never have been complete if it weren't for those yellow, frilly things that decked the kitchen and made pancakes look slightly plain and uninteresting. Although they can look unmistakably dated and girly, they can actually transform into a more sophisticated window item given the right kind of fabric. Are you the kind who sneezes the day away? If so, then I'm afraid you might need an extra Benadryl if you choose this kind of curtain. They get dreadfully dusty in no time, and no, you can't afford to have another addition to the dust mite colony inside your nose!

Sheer and nearly-transparent curtains have had their share of fame these past few years. They are especially nice options during the summer since they allow all that sunshine to seep into a room. Be careful though, peeping toms may be lurking about and sheers don't offer much privacy since you can practically see through them! Don't trust this kind of curtain to keep the cold away during winter too. As a suggestion, why not combine a sheer curtain along with one that comes in a heavier fabric? This way you can pull the heavier curtain and leave the sheer one aside during the winter. No need to freeze yourself to death for loving the sheer beauty of sheers!

Tired of those standard curtains that don't do anything at all? To spice up your curtains, use tabs and attractive ties. If you have a particularly nice and new curtain rod, you'd want to show it off right? Tabs and ties do the trick by exposing some details of the rod instead of simply placing your curtains limp against it. However if your rod happens to be in bad shape, forget about all that unnecessary exposure! Long curtain tabs look wonderful in formal dining areas that benefit from the added length it lends. This gives your dining area that added posh quality to it. If you have a slightly less formal dining area in mind, then ties do the trick better. Add some playfulness to plaid or a touch of glee to striped curtains! They will be anything but dull after you add those ties!

Bear in mind that your curtains should fit in with the overall theme of your home. There's no real point in having a window full of lace and ruffles if your home looks like an advert for a futuristic home. A set of curtains done in a neutral tone in a semi-transparent or sheer finish can work well with almost any decor scheme.Jacob Ginsbrook 

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