Kitchen Tile Cleaning Tips From The Pros

There is nothing quite like a shiny, spotless kitchen floor. It lets everyone know you take pride in your home. That's because tile floors are notoriously hard to keep clean. Not only do you have to mop and dry them, but you also have to clean the grout between the tiles, which often acts as a magnet for stains. However, there are effective tile cleaning tips professional cleaners employ on tough stains.

Common Culprits

No matter how careful you and your family members are, the kitchen is a high traffic area, and people are bound to have accidents. That is why the most frequent tile floor offenders are food and dirt stains. These spots are particularly stubborn because they can easily get ground into the grout, making them difficult to get out.

Where to Start?

The general rule of thumb for tile cleaning is to begin with the simplest, least acidic solution and move on to stronger cleaners if the surface is still dirty.

Probably the simplest and cheapest cleaning solutions you can find are vinegar and baking soda. When using vinegar, make sure you dilute it with water or the solution will be too strong. You can also make a paste out of baking soda by adding a few teaspoons of warm water. Then you dab or pour either solution directly onto the grout and scrub vigorously with a stiff brush. It is also recommended that you scrub in small circles, rather than up and down, because circular motions remove more dirt and debris from the surface. Afterward, rinse the area well and use a mop or paper towel to clean up.

Aggressive Action

If the grout is not thoroughly clean, it is time to move on to everyday household cleaners you can find at your local supermarket. These solutions are a bit harsher than vinegar or baking soda, so they're ordinarily a bit more effective on stubborn stains. Simply read and follow the specific directions on the bottle and make sure you rinse well and clean up afterward.

If the area still isn't clean, first try a commercial tile and grout cleaner. These solutions are sold at most cleaning product stores and some supermarkets. However, make sure you find a product that is pH balanced, so the chemicals will not damage the grout with repeated use. The best way to use these cleaners is to spray them on and let the solution sit for a minute or two before you start scrubbing.

You can also try heavy-duty products like oxygen bleach powder or chlorine bleach. However, be careful with these cleaners. They are incredibly powerful and will need to be diluted with water before use. If you have colored or stained grout, you cannot use bleach because it will change the color. 

These products are only available at hardware or janitorial supply stores and should be used sparingly after all other options have been exhausted. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend hiring a professional cleaning service when you require commercial-grade tile cleaning products. Antoinette Ayana

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