5 cool makeover tips for your room

Interior designer Rakshita Singh gives some simple design tips that can add some drama in your bedroom decor.

When decorating your bedroom, you need to make sure that your aesthetics are in place and more importantly, you need to ascertain whether you want the 'me only' look for your bedroom or the 'we' look. Here are some simple design tips that can add drama to your bedroom decor...

Keep the magic alive: Dedicate one wall of your room to your partner with a large number of tiny framed photographs in a heart shape. This will remind you of each other and the best times you have spent together. It will also help to keep the magic alive.

All about the 'we' not 'me': It's not about his or her, BUT it's about 'WE'. Opt for more neutral tones of colour like beige, purple and whites when renovating a room for a newly married couple.

Add some romantic drama: Add some extra canopy of cloth in your bedroom to add some drama and closure. Choose and name your bed sides before you get hitched by putting the name above your bed heads.

Make a cozy nook: Adding a love seat in a bright and attractive colour to your bedroom decor can jazz it up.

Light it right: Add some drama by adding tea lights and lamps in the corner of your rooms. It does make it romantic.

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