5 uses for your old light bulb - DIY Home Improvement

You can use old bulbs in many different ways. I am going to list out Five out of them here...

Smoothes wrinkles: 

Take a still-warm bulb and run it over a wrinkled cloth. It will smooth out immediately.

Festive ornaments: 

Watching the wallet when it comes to buying festival buntings? Just paint the outside of bulbs with paint and glitter. Do zig-zag sparkles for Diwali and snow for Christmas and hang them around the house.

Innovative lamp:  

With some oil and a shoelace, turn the bulb into a little lamp.

As a flower vase: 

After removing the bottom part of the bulb, as well as the filaments, fill the bulb with water and flowers and run a string through it. Hang this on your wall or at your work desk area. These vases look adorable when hung in a row, in a windowsill or even over a table.

Make hot air balloons:  

Wrap the bulbs with some fabric. Attach a little crochet basket to the bulb mouth with some thick string. Turn it upside down and voila! - Times of India

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