How to Remove Cooking Oil Spills on the Carpet

Cooking oil is something that every kitchen needs. It is really important because you cannot cook and prepare most of your meals without it. Cooking oil is really useful inside the kitchen but it is never good to get it accidentally spilled on your carpet. This is because having this occur will result in an ugly stain that will ruin the way that your carpet looks.

Cooking oil stains is always a bit tricky to clean up since the spill is oil-based and therefore it is not soluble in water. Many homeowners can be a little perplexed at home to clean up this kind of mess on their carpets but it can definitely be removed with ease if you know the right steps to take. To help you in cleaning up the mess on your carpet at home, please take a moment and check out the handy guide below.

• Begin the process by removing as much of the spilled cooking oil on your carpet. You can choose to use some paper towels or a clean white cloth to help absorb the spilled oil on your carpet fibers. Do this quickly and carefully so that you can avoid the oil seep into your carpet fibers.

• The next step is to use a cleaning solution that will help in eliminating the oil stain completely. You can opt to use a commercial cleaning product for the cooking oil stain or you can also try using some homemade cleaning substitutes for this type of problem. If you choose the latter, try combining a teaspoon of dish washing liquid with a cup of warm water and place the solution in an empty container. This will serve as a very good solution to remove the oil stain.

• Pour some of the cleaning solution of your choice on the cooking oil stain left behind on your carpet. Then, use a clean paper towel to gradually blot the affected area. This step may take a while before you see actual results but just stick with it until the entire stain is gone. You may need to reapply some more of the cleaning solution though so be sure you watch out for that.

• After getting rid of the stain completely, removing the unwanted residue is the last thing that you have to do.

Take a cup of room temperature water and use it to rinse the area where the cooking oil stain used to be.Afterwards, just dry off the area using some clean rags to finish off the job-

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